Gwrych Castle Medieval Festival 2019

Gwrych Castle Medieval Festival 2019

The summer holidays are in full swing and now is the time to find things to go out and do, to enjoy the beautiful weather and escape the house for a while. It’s always wonderful to go and explore new locations, with lots of hidden secrets and North Wales is full of such places. And as the title of this blog might point out, we have one such place to suggest: Gwrych Castle Medieval Festival 2019!

On the 3rd and 4th of August Gwrych Castle will be hosting their ever popular Medieval Festival. This will be the third year we have attended and was one of the debut locations for the Wizard of Conwy.

It is a fabulous day out and one that helps support the renovation of this gorgeous location. There is always lots to see and do. Of course Jay will be there in full wizard garb entertaining one and all with some astounding close-up magic, up to three shows throughout the day and some occasional balloon modeling. When you see the green and blue robes about the castle be sure to come over and say hi, then share in some magic.

In addition there will be tours of the grounds to partake in, birds of prey to have a picture with, a hefty number of re-enactors… and where there’s re-enactors there’s sure to be a sword fight or two! And if the kids fancy a go there will be a children’s sword fight school to boot. 

Gwrych Castle Medieval Festival 2019 is a superb day out for the whole family and a wonderful location to chill out in as well, so why not bring a lunch or grab some food and drink from one of the stalls and soak in the atmosphere.

We look forward to seeing you there and sharing some marvellous medieval magic with you.

What you need to know about Gwrych Castle Medieval Festival 2019

Gwrych Castle Medieval Festival 2019 Poster

Tickets are only £6.00 for adults, £3 for kids with under 3s getting in free, and a family ticket is only £15.00. And all funds go towards helping to continue the restoration of this astounding building – and with continued support the Castle will reach its former beauty once more.

For more information about the festival, check out the event page on Facebook.

You can keep up to date with all the lastest news on Gwrych Castle’s Facebook page.

If you’re interested in reading more about the history of the castle and the work being done to restore it, visit their website.

For more details on our outdoor entertainment, visit our outdoor entertainment page.

Conwy Castle Summer Fundays 2019

Conwy Castle

Over the summer we have a very exciting event coming up. Starting on July 26th and continuing every Friday until the end of August; Gatling the Wizard, Erwyd the Conwy Jester and Professor Llusern the Storyteller will be taking residence in Conwy Castle for a grand selection of entertainment with Conwy Castle Summer Fundays 2019.

Erwyd will be performing his shows across the day, Professor Llusern will be engaging one and all with his wonderfully told stories and Gatling will be inviting you to learn some true wizard magic with his wizard workshops!

We’re seriously looking forward to performing in this wonderful location and sharing the wizard workshops with everyone who attends. 

In the workshop you’ll get to use your very own wizard’s wand and be taught three magic spells, then get the chance to see those spells come to life. Learn tricks from the Transformation, Production and Levitation schools of wizardry and start on the path of becoming a true wizard. It’s like Conwy Castle’s version of Hogwarts!

These are gonna be great days out over the summer and there’s six chances to come on down and take part. Come along and explore a fantastic medieval castle, watch a mind-blowing juggling show, let your imagination run wild with stories brought to life and experience what it’s like to be a wizard.

We look forward to greeting you over the summer at the beautiful Conwy Castle from the 26th of July and then every Friday until the end of August.

What you need to know about Conwy Castle Summer Fundays 2019

The events run every Friday over summer;

  • Friday the 26th of July
  • Friday the 2nd of August
  • Friday the 9th of August
  • Friday the 16th of August
  • Friday the 23rd of August
  • Friday the 30th of August

Activities take place in Conwy Castle between 10am and 4pm.

For full details, visit the event page on Conwy Castle’s website.

For more details on our outdoor entertainment, visit our outdoor entertainment page.

Mold Carnival 2019

Mold Carnival logo

You’ve gotta love the atmosphere at Mold Carnival 2019. Bright costumes parading through the town, people dancing through the street to all sorts of music floating on the air, with everything bringing people together in a feeling of happiness and joy.

We’ve attended Mold Carnival two years running and it is an event that always invokes a joyful emotion. As part of the parade at the start of the event, it’s wonderful to see so many people lining the streets to support it and the town. As you pass the crowds you see so many smiles and excited folk; ready for the day’s festivities.

In past years the carnival has taken over a large chunk of Mold, filling the high street with colourful and exciting fun fair rides and games, their main stage providing a great variety of local and celebrity entertainment. Whilst even more happens down on Kendricks Field, with the mascot race, lots of local and charity stalls and even more entertainment to keep you engaged and enjoying your day out in the sun.

This year’s event

In just a couple of weeks time they’re going to be doing it all again, as Mold Carnival 2019 returns on Sunday July 7th. The location has changed ever so slightly, now being entirely on Kendricks Field and The Rec, but the atmosphere will still be as awesome as ever, with plenty to see, do and engage with.

Of course Jay will be there too; with three shows over the course of the day, and mix and mingle close-up magic between times. This year he also plans to add a little juggling to his part in the parade, so keep an eye out for the juggling wizard. Now there’s a sentence you never thought you’d read today!

Jay’s shows will be at 11.45am and 2.30pm on the community stage on The Rec and at 1pm on the main stage on Kendricks Field itself.

Mold Carnival is always a pleasure to be a part of and entertain at, and we’re glad to have been invited back for another year of carnival fun. We hope to see you there. Be sure to come by, say hi, and share in some carnival magic at Mold Carnival 2019!

Mold Carnival 2019 poster

What you need to know about Mold Carnival 2019

Mold Carnival takes place on Sunday the 7th of July, and starts at 10.30am. For more details visit the event page on Facebook.

To keep up to date with all the latest news, be sure to follow Mold Carnival on Facebook.

You can also view the official Mold Carnival website here.

For more details on our outdoor entertainment, visit our outdoor entertainment page.

Harry Potter Evening in Llandudno: wizard magic, potion making & quiz

Join us on Wednesday the 26th  of June, for a Harry Potter evening in Llandudno.

Llandudno is a very popular tourist destination, with plenty of shops and attractions to keep everyone occupied during their visit. But hidden away in plain sight on Clonmel Street is a wonderful shop full of magic and mystery; a place dedicated to the wondrous and mystical world brought to life by J.K Rowling.

Llandudno’s Hogwarts! The Wonderful Wizarding Boutique.

The Wizarding Boutique in Llandudno is a Harry Potter fan’s dream, the perfect place for all your magical needs.

Last month we brought some of our wizarding magic to one of their special ticketed events. It was a blast to be a part of and everyone had a great time, with plenty of positive comments following the evening. Thanks to this success we’re returning to Llandudno’s Hogwarts with even more magic and mystery.

wizard performing at a harry potter evening in llandudno

An evening of magic and potion making

This is a brilliant and unique night out for any Potter fan. The evening begins with a serving of Butterbeer, a truly tasty beverage straight from the books. Then once everyone is all settled in, Jay kicks off the night with his magic and illusion show; you’ll feel like you have truly entered into a school of witchcraft and wizardry!

Then it’s time to put your crafty mind in gear and create your own potion, by the end of this you’ll have your own unique item to put proudly on your mantelpiece at home. Just make sure you tell all your guests that just one sip will turn them into a toad!

And the evening closes out with the dastardly, difficult (but fair all the same) Harry Potter quiz. This is the ultimate test to see if you are the Hermoinie of Potter fans, and an unlimited font of wizarding knowledge.

After all that, you will be able to peruse the shop and maybe find that last thing you need for your collection. It’s a brilliant event and perfect fun for all ages, there’s something for everyone to sink their teeth into.

And it’s important to remember that we solemnly swear that we are up to no good. Are you? Come along and join us in some Harry Potter revelry.

What you need to know about a Harry Potter evening in Llandudno

The event will take place on Wednesday the 26th of June 2019 at 6.30pm and is suitable for all ages, though under 12s must have an adult with them (only the participating child needs a ticket).

Tickets are £15 and can be booked online through the Wizarding Boutique website.

For more information , follow this link to the event page on Facebook