At the end of September we travelled all the way to Great Yarmouth for the annual convention of the British Ring of the International Brotherhood of Magicians.
The convention took place in several different locations on the seafront in Great Yarmouth, including the Britannia Theatre and Long John’s Showbar (both on the Britania Pier), the Hollywood Cinema and the Marina Centre.

We go to Great Yarmouth nice and early, and handed our trophies safely back to the organisers.
Although we didn’t enter the stage competition this year, Jay entered the Ali Bongo Micro Marathon. The Micro Marathon is a fun, friendly competition, but Jay still wanted to make sure that he looked his best!
The British Ring have very kindly let us use two of their photographs of us at the convention:

For more information on the British Ring of the International Brotherhood of Magician, visit their website (, their convention website (, or “Like” their Facebook page (
As well as being busy at the convention, we decided to take some time off to enjoy the attractions of Great Yarmouth.
We played adventure golf at Pirates Cove:

We went back in time at Yesterday’s World:

And we explored the depths of the ocean at the Sea Life Centre:

We had a brilliant time, very relaxing, and full of magic!