Two The Hilt: Sci-Fi Scarborough 2016


Gatling and Erwyd will be heading to Yorkshire next weekend for the epic convention that is Sci-Fi Scarborough. They’ll be  training young Jedi in the use of the lightsaber, as well as entertaining with their own show-stopping exhibition duels.

Sadly, our once loyal Erwyd has fallen to the temptation of the dark side of the Force, and it falls to Jedi Gatling to stop the newly risen Sith Lord.

Sci-Fi Scarborough takes place at the Scarborough Spa Complex on the 9th and 10th of April, and you can get all the information on this great event on their website : Be sure to check out their Facebook page too:

To keep up to date with everything that Two The Hilt are up to, be sure to like their Facebook page and follow them on Twitter: &

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