Knights and Princesses in Conwy


Gallant knights and beautiful princesses, a jester, a magician, balloon models, jousting, bouncy castles and a hot dog stand,  and some beautiful birds of prey… this was our day on the Quay in Conwy.

The main feature of the event was a competition to see who would be the official Knight and Princess of Conwy. The competitors all took part in a bravery test, where Harley the Clown juggled sharp knives over them!


As always, Bernie the bunny was with us, and he made lots of new friends in the Coastal Hawks Project. He enjoyed sitting up high on their tent, watching everyone walk past; and he really liked looking at all their swords and armour.


But most of all, Bernie loved their birds.

You might think that a rabbit would be scared to go near predators like these, but not Bernie!

First of all Bernie tried to persuade Angel, the eagle owl, to give him a ride.


Bernie also met a hungry hawk, and narrowly avoided becoming lunch.

After that, he decided to be a bit more careful!


Finally, Bernie met Merlin and Morgana, two barn owls, with magical names.

Bernie especially liked their white feathers, he thought that they looked a lot like him!

We all had a wonderful day in Conwy, and we’re counting the days until our next event there.